PlanBørnefonden’s Data Privacy Policy

PlanBørnefonden complies with applicable data protection regulation, including Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR”) and Act. No. 592 of 18 May 2018 on supplementary provisions to the General Data Protection Regulation (“Data Protection Act”).

Your personal data is always processed responsibly, securely and in accordance with the law, regardless of whether we have received the data from you or a third party.

This policy describes how PlanBørnefonden stores and processes your personal data with the aim of making you feel safe and secure that we protect your personal data.

Data Controller

PlanBørnefonden is the data controller for the personal data we process about you. You are always welcome to contact PlanBørnefonden if you have any questions or comments about the processing of your personal data:

PlanBørnefonden (CVR no. 20356731)

Mimersgade 47, 4.

2200 Copenhagen N

Telephone: 7022 1211

E-mail: [email protected]

What personal data do we process about you?

Sponsorships and Contributions:

When you enter into an agreement for an individual contribution and/or sponsorship either through our website or our partners, we process the following personal data which you have provided, or which originate from public sources:

Sponsor visit:

If you are going on a sponsor visit with PlanBørnefonden, we will record when you are on this trip, and we may also process information we have received from you about your trip and any relevant insurance and health information.


If you sign up for PlanBørnefonden’s newsletter, PlanBørnefonden will register your name and e-mail address. We will keep this personal data until you unsubscribe to the newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting us at [email protected].

Competitions and games:

If you participate in a contest or game offered by PlanBørnefonden, we will register your name and the contact information you have provided, as well as any contribution, payment or purchase made in connection with the contest or game and any prizes you may gain.

Sensitive data:

We do not process sensitive personal data about you in connection with individual contributions. In connection with sponsorships, we may in special cases process sensitive personal data about you, but only if you have provided this information yourself. This happens, for example, if it is necessary for the administration of your sponsorship or if you have included sensitive information in your letters to your sponsored child. In addition, as mentioned above, in special cases, and only if you have provided this information yourself, we may process your relevant health data in connection with a visit.

To whom does PlanBørnefonden disclose my personal data?

If you have consented to it, we will disclose (i) your CPR number to the Danish Tax Agency for the purpose of enabling you to obtain relevant tax deductions from your payments and (ii) your payment information to NETS for the purpose of setting up your payment service agreement.

PlanBørnefonden uses data processors that are necessary for the administration of your contribution or sponsorship and the day-to-day operation of PlanBørnefonden, and which in connection with their provision of services to PlanBørnefonden may also come into possession of your personal data. These include, for example, partners who assist PlanBørnefonden in ensuring that your personal data is correct and up to date (data washing), consultancy firms that assist PlanBørnefonden with our campaigns, Microsoft, which provides our software solutions and IT consultants. PlanBørnefonden has entered into data processing agreements with all such partners, which, in accordance with the GDPR, ensure that our partners process your personal data securely and in accordance with our instructions and the law.

In addition, to administer your sponsorship and ensure that you receive information and letters from your sponsored child, in accordance with GDPR Art. 6(1)(b), we disclose your name, sponsor number and your sponsored child’s number to Plan International, Ltd. (in the UK) and Plan International, Inc. The information that you include in your letters to your sponsored child will also be passed on to Plan International, Inc. and the country office where your sponsored child lives. Plan International, Ltd. is owned by Plan International, Inc. of which PlanBørnefonden is a member and which manages Plan’s projects around the world. In this context, we have also entered into a written agreement with Plan International, Inc. to ensure that your personal data is processed securely, safely and in accordance with applicable law, and that appropriate safeguards are in place for the transfer of your personal data outside the EU.

If your sponsored child is supported through the Child Fund Alliance, your personal data will not be passed on to Plan International, Ltd. or Plan International, Inc. but instead to the relevant Child Fund Alliance fund.

How long does PlanBørnefonden process my personal data?

PlanBørnefonden only processes your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose of the collection, including to administer your contribution and sponsorship and our related legal obligations.

As a general rule, we store your personal data for 5 years after the financial year in which we received your most recent contribution. PlanBørnefonden’s partners, including data processors, Plan International, Ltd., Plan International, Inc. and Child Fund Alliance are all obliged to delete your personal data in accordance with PlanBørnefonden’s instructions and at the latest at the same time as PlanBørnefonden.

If our processing is based on your consent, you are always entitled to withdraw your consent and we will immediately cease the processing based on your consent.

How do we store your personal data?

Your personal data is always processed securely, safely and confidentially at PlanBørnefonden and our partners. We store your personal data on high-security servers located in controlled facilities.

PlanBørnefonden’s website is SSL-encrypted, which is the highest possible level of security on the internet. Unfortunately, like everyone else, we cannot guarantee 100 percent security for data transfers via the Internet, including our contact form, as there is always a risk of unauthorized persons gaining access to information when data is sent electronically, but our security measures are checked and updated regularly to ensure that your personal data continues to be handled securely and with due regard for your rights.

In addition, we have taken a number of other technical and organizational measures to secure your personal data, and all PlanBørnefonden employees are instructed in the rules and procedures that apply to the processing of your personal data.

What individual rights do you have?

You have the right to gain insight into what personal data PlanBørnefonden processes about you (which is considered fulfilled by this Personal Data Policy) and the right to have the personal data that may not (no longer) be correct corrected or to ask us to delete your personal data.

If our processing is based on your consent, you are always entitled to withdraw your consent by contacting us at [email protected], after which we will immediately cease the processing based on your consent.

As our other processing of your personal data is generally necessary for the administration of the sponsorship, your request for us to cease processing your personal data may imply that your sponsorship may be terminated. We will therefore allow ourselves to contact you to ensure that this is your wish. In addition, there may be personal data and processing operations that we need to continue in order to comply with our legal obligations.

Questions and queries

If you have any questions or disagree with how we process your personal data, you are always welcome to contact us either by phone: 7022 1211 or by e-mail: [email protected]. If you are not satisfied with our response or disagree with our processing of your personal data, you are also entitled to file a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency, whose contact details can be found here: